
The University’s 理事会 is leading a comprehensive national search to identify the next provost. 这项努力是由一位 遴选委员会 学生,教师和管理的支持 WittKieffer.

本网页将定期提供最新资料. Opportunities for University community members to get involved will be announced throughout this process.

即将到来的面对面社区论坛,决赛选手 (2024年4月9日)


We are pleased to share an update regarding the search for our next provost. We were excited that there was a large and diverse pool of 91 applicants for this position. Of these 91 applicants, 33 were female and 33 were from underrepresented backgrounds.

The 遴选委员会 carefully and thoroughly reviewed the applicants’ materials and then as a committee discussed the applicants to reach consensus on which candidates would be invited for Zoom interviews. Of the impressive 12 candidates chosen for the semifinalist interviews, 其中9人是女性,4人来自代表性不足的群体.

半决赛的面试实际上持续了两天. 这些访谈具有说明性和信息性, allowing the 遴选委员会 to know each candidate a bit better and the strengths each candidate would bring to the University. The committee was able to share feedback regarding the candidates with President Frederiksen whom we thank for engaging with us as part of this process.

We are delighted to let you know that we have identified four finalist individuals who will be invited to campus for day-long interviews and to meet with our University community. 这些面试将在4月22日这一周进行. There will be “open forum” times for the community to meet and engage with these individuals. 以下是公开论坛的安排时间:

  • 教务长候选人#1: 社区论坛-星期一.4月22日下午3:30-4:30.m.
  • 教务长候选人2号: 社区论坛-每周二.4月23日下午3:30-4:30.m.
  • 教务长候选人3: 社区论坛-星期三.4月24日上午10点至11点.m.
  • 教务长候选人#4: 社区论坛-星期四.4月25日下午2:45-3:45.m.
  • 教务长候选人5号: 社区论坛-4月26日(星期五)下午3:30-4:30.m.


We would like to thank the members of the 遴选委员会 for their time, 他们对每个候选人的仔细考虑, and the integrity they showed in conducting these long days of interviews.

最后, 当我们进入校园面试时, we would like to remind the community of the confidential nature of this process. 我们期待着你们与决赛选手见面.



  • 尊敬的大学成员:

    We are writing to share with you an update on the 教务长搜索 process. The 遴选委员会 has met with 我们的搜索伙伴 at WittKieffer (the same firm that is assisting with the Presidential 搜索). WittKieffer has held several listening sessions with stakeholders from across the University. Together, we have created a Provost Leadership Profile with input from the listening sessions. The process of promoting the position and placing ads in major academic venues as well as recruiting candidates has begun.

    We are so appreciative of the work of the members of the 遴选委员会 as we enter this critical phase of the search.

    Thank you to the members of the Charger Community for your participation in the listening sessions and active engagement with this search process. 随着搜索的继续,我们期待着为您提供最新消息.



  • 尊敬的大学成员:

    我写信是想告诉你我们寻找教务长的最新情况. 为这次搜索的启动做准备, 已经成立了一个委员会,并选出了两名联合主席. 委员会包括:

    我想。 thank each committee member for their service as part of this very important search. I greatly enjoyed the engaging conversations I had during the process of forming this committee.

    The co-chairs have started their work and are taking part in planning conversations with WittKieffer, 我们的搜索伙伴. 下一步将包括召集委员会, organizing listening sessions for community members to share their feedback, 建立领导形象. 教务长搜索网页的建设目前正在进行中. 

    这次搜索的预期时间, 如下所述, is being planned so that the individual selected as our president-elect can participate in the latter stages of the provost search and, 最终, 选择候选人.

    • 12月至1月:社区聆听会议
    • 1月中旬:搜索启动
    • 4月:面试 
    • 梅:在毕业典礼前任命教务长

    Please plan to participate in the listening sessions and begin thinking about individuals you might nominate to share with WittKieffer.

    主席博士. 奥尔布赖特博士. Francis-Connolly will keep the community updated throughout this process. 我希望你和你爱的人度过一个愉快的感恩节.



  • 尊敬的大学成员:

    我写这封信是为了提供总统竞选的最新进展. 我从WittKieffer那里收到了一个非常积极的最新消息, 猎头公司在整个过程中为我们提供支持, reporting that they have engaged with a number of high-quality candidates.

    The individuals our consultants have spoken with have expressed a strong interest in the opportunity to join our community, 以我们的招生增长为例, 金融稳定, 多个校区位置, 以及大学对创新的使命和承诺.

    We are thankful for those who have nominated qualified individuals for WittKieffer to speak with about the position. 你可以继续提名 点击此处提交个人姓名.

    The 遴选委员会 is entering a more behind-the-scenes period as we prepare to review candidates. 我们的一些任务将包括评估申请, 确定面试问题, 准备对感兴趣的候选人进行评估.

    最后,我很高兴地告诉大家,我们即将开始寻找教务长. 不久将成立一个遴选委员会. 教务长遴选委员会也将得到WittKieffer的支持. The expectation continues to be that the individual named president would select the individual who will serve as provost.

    Looking ahead, I expect to provide our next update at the beginning of December. 感恩节即将来临, 我想。, 我代表整个总统候选人遴选委员会, express our gratitude to each of you for your active engagement throughout this process. 感谢您一直以来的支持.

