Journalism Camp: Fundamentals of News Writing and Presenting

Communication Studio

July 15-19, 2024

Program Cost: $500
On Campus Accommodations Experience Cost: $1,050
Check-in for this experience will be the Sunday before the start date of the program

Fundamentals of News Writing and Presenting

The world needs truth-tellers, and today's multi-platform journalists must be multi-skilled. This means knowing how to find the news, go to the news, cull through the nonsense and report the news, using every bit of technology available. We can help. By the end of our week-long camp taught by working professionals, you will know how to:

  • 应用 news judgment
  • Analyze and research information for news stories
  • Write on deadline for print and video
  • Conduct background and on-air interviews
  • Operate ENG cameras and edit on Premiere Pro
  • Present on-camera as an anchor and reporter

Must be entering 9-12th grades for the 2024-25 school year.